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Counseling For Couples

Fighting with your partner, feeling alone even when they are home, struggling with trust issues or outright betrayal… when your relationships aren’t working it impacts every area of your life. You feel weighed down all the time, or find yourself walking on eggshells, you can’t focus at work or be fully present with your friends, and you certainly can’t be the kind of parent you want to be.

Couples therapy can help you turn things around.

At the Baltimore Therapy Center, we are experts at helping couples create the connection, communication, and relationships they want and need so they can live their best lives. If you’re looking for change in your relationship, our couples specialists are here to show you the way to a truly awesome relationship. You’ll walk away feeling whole again – feeling like the team you know you’re supposed to be.

couples counseling

We work with couples in all stages of their relationship, providing couples counseling to folks who are just dating or looking for premarital counselingto couples who need help to recovering from infidelity or managing co-parenting after divorce.

Click below to learn more about how we help in your specific situation, or get in touch to ask us any questions or set up a couples therapy appointment today!

Our Testimonials

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Raffi made me enjoy going to therapy. I have learned to talk through issues that seemed impossible and I feel so much better about the communication in my relationship now.

Tyson V.
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Highly professional but down to earth. Both my husband and I felt completely understood and valued; something couples often fear simply cannot be achieved. I’m sure we’ll return we need a “tune-up”!

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In such a short time, you worked wonders! One or both of us may return in the future but please know we’re both indebted to you. We’re back to cherishing our time with one another and back to looking forward to a long life as husband and wife.

Lisa & Tim
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Raffi was very welcoming and easy to talk to.  My boyfriend and I saw him for several months and found that he was able to relate to each of us and help us to work together. I would definitely recommend him to any of my friends or family

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Thank you so much for all of your help and guidance, especially tonight. Both my wife and I were impressed and grateful for your willingness to work with us despite running a significant amount of time over. You are genuine in your demeanor and sincere with your advice.

John S.
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I cannot speak highly enough of Raffi. In just a couple of sessions, Raffi has already began to successfully impact our marriage. Both my wife and I continue to be impressed with him and our progress each week.

Mark M.
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My boyfriend and I see Raffi and it was the best decision we ever made. It is hard to gather the right words to describe him and how much he has helped us and our relationship.

Summer H.
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Raffi, was professional, insightful, and helped us.

Harry S.


  • No! We've worked with couples who are dating, engaged, broken up, divorced, just friends, and more.
  • The purpose of couples counseling really depends on the couple. Some couples are looking to improve their communication. Others are looking to bring back the romance into their lives. Still others are hoping to save a dying relationship and might even be in a crisis situation. And some are trying to figure out if they even want to be in the relationship anymore. If you are wishing your relationship could be different than it is right now, couples counseling may be for you.
  • It works if you work. That is to say, couples counseling is not a magic bullet; if you are in a troubled relationship, it is going to take work on the part of both parties to make things better. That’s not to say that both people are always equally responsible for problems in a relationship – but one way to ensure that couples counseling won’t work is to do nothing while waiting around for your partner to change. If you want couples counseling to work, you need to be prepared to work on yourself as well.
  • If your relationship with your partner is a stressful, unsatisfying, lonely, or just not what you want it to be, couples counseling can help you transform it into an asset instead of a liability. If you and your partner just can’t seem to get along, couples therapy can help you straighten things out. If you just feel like you are missing something in your relationship – maybe you can’t even define what that is – couples counseling can help you figure it out and try to set things right. In truth, the best answer to this question is, try it and see if it helps!
    Learn more about it at
  • There is no one answer to this question. Couples counseling can be as short as a single session, or a few weeks or months, or even years. It depends what issue(s) you are trying to solve, and how deep-seated they might be. It also depends on the personalities and backgrounds of both parties, and on how ready each is to do the work necessary. I frequently remind clients that the problems you are having probably did not come up overnight, and they are not going away overnight either. Read more at this blog post.
  • Very frequently, speaking to a professional on your own can be very helpful anyway. It can help you clarify for yourself what you’d like to do given your current situation; it can help you manage what might be a difficult relationship that is unlikely to change; and it can improve the relationship just by the small changes you might make on your own. Furthermore, once one partner comes in, it is not unusual for the formerly unwilling partner to follow suit eventually.
  • Probably not. We can't call them up and start trying to persuade them that they need to come in.
    However, as noted above, coming in to speak to someone on your own is a great way to start. You and your provider can strategize ways to get your partner to join you. It is also quite possible that once you start coming for therapy on your own that your partner might be willing to join in as well (although that's not a guarantee of, of course).
    That said, we have never seen a case where it wasn’t helpful on some level for the person asking this question to come in individually at first anyway.
  • No! A marriage is an important commitment that should not be taken lightly, but that does not mean that it is always better to remain married. There are many factors that go into such a decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
  • That is certainly a choice you have every right to make. Some people fear that a marriage therapist will try to convince them to stay in the marriage. That is not our approach. If you have decided to leave a relationship, we can help you through that process as well, which is fraught with its own challenges, including your own possible hesitations or guilt feelings, external pressures, practical obstacles, and the like.
  • Many couples have returned to a fulfilling marriage after the heartbreak of an affair – often even more so than it was before. However, it depends on what you and your partner really want. Do you truly want to continue in a relationship with this person? Is s/he remorseful and prepared to do the work of building trust again? A marriage can be restored even after infidelity, but as with any real change, there is no magic bullet. It will take work.
    Learn more at
  • That depends on you and your spouse. We can help you do the hard work of rebuilding trust in your relationship, if you are willing to do it. We cannot, however, make your spouse accept your repentance, no matter how much you mean it. If your spouse is willing to come meet with us as well, there is room for optimism, but ultimately the choice to forgive is up to your spouse.
    Learn more at

Couples Counseling

You want to communicate better – we can teach you how.

You want to feel cared about – we can help you make that happen.



Infidelity is not the end.

You can repair this relationship. You can even make it better than it was before. Even if your partner isn't willing to come to counseling with you, don’t despair – there is much you can do on your own.


Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling will help you and your significant other learn the skills you need to make a successful and lasting long-term relationship.

Marriage is supposed to last a lifetime. Why not invest now to make that goal a reality?


Friendship Therapy

What do friends do when they’re at odds and need help resolving their issues? If you miss and want your friend back, if you keep getting into painful fights and don’t know how to make a change, if you feel wronged and are seeking resolution, friendship therapy is right for you. We won’t judge you. 


Long Distance Relationships

Communication can be a particular challenge in long-distance relationships. 

We are experts at helping couples improve their communication and learn to talk about the important issues in their relationships.  



Sometimes a marriage cannot be saved. But as many divorced couples have discovered, if there are children involved, the relationship between the parents is never truly severed.

We can help you learn to work together for the benefit of your children.


Marriage Seminars

Topics we cover include: 
- How to stop the yelling
- What “communication” is really about
- How to resolve disagreements
- When to go for counseling